Peg Solitaire Narrative - Basic Skeleton

Peg Solitaire Narrative

The first 'version' of Peg Solitaire is pretty much just a brand new XCode project with two stub objects added to the project:

The 'CH' prefix stands for "CocoaHeads". The prefix is used since Objective-C doesn't have any name spaces, so something has to be used to isolate our classes from anyone else's.

App Controller

CHAppController currently is just a pure stub class:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface CHAppController : NSObject

@end // CHAppController

#import "CHAppController.h"

@implementation CHAppController

@end // CHAppController

This class has been instantiated in MainMenu.nib in Interface Builder:

Why have it then? This will eventually be where we'll hook up any UI controls and menu items. It'll also be the place where any coordination between a model object and the view object will happen. I always end up using them.

Peg Board

The second class is CHPegBoard, an NSView subclass which is where most of the work is going to happen, since NSView is where drawing and mouse tracking happen:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface CHPegBoard : NSView

@end // CHPegBoard

Not much there. These are stubs after all. The .h file was dragged into Interface Builder so that IB would know that CHPegBoard is an NSView subclass. An NSView was dragged into the menu, and its type changed to CHPEgBoard

The implementation of it is pretty basic. A drawRect: was added to draw the view with a white background and a black border (it looks kind of nice), and to make it somewhat interesting, a string is centered in the view.

#import "CHPegBoard.h"

@implementation CHPegBoard

- (void) drawRect: (NSRect) rect
    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];

    [[NSColor whiteColor] set];
    [NSBezierPath fillRect: bounds];

    // just center a string for now
    NSString *blah = @"PegBoard goes here";
    NSSize size = [blah sizeWithAttributes: nil];

    NSPoint startPoint;
    startPoint.x = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2 - size.width / 2;
    startPoint.y = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height / 2 - size.height / 2;
    [blah drawAtPoint: startPoint
          withAttributes: nil];

    [[NSColor blackColor] set];
    [NSBezierPath strokeRect: bounds];

} // drawRect

@end // CHPegBoard