Thursday, July 10, 2014 18:30 at Ann Arbor SPARK Central 330 E. Liberty Street Ann Arbor, mi

Starting at 6:30pm, we'll have free food sponsored by Arbormoon Software, Inc Please RSVP on to help us estimate how much food we need. While you are enjoying the food, talk with other developers and network in the local Cocoa community.

Our main meeting will start at 7pm and will feature a talk on Swift by Ravi Desai.

Ravi Desai has been actively developing software in the Southeastern, MI for more years than he can remember. Ever since the introduction of the PowerMac 6600AV he has been programming on Macs in the wee hours of the night. By day he usually worked on various flavors of Unix or Window in some variant of C or Java. He has worked in various industries over that time including Automotive (Johnson Controls), Storage (EMC), Networking and Healthcare (Siemens). These days he works in Healthcare Information Exchange for a company called Care Evolution doing mostly angular JS and C# coding, although they are just starting up their first iPhone development effort.

We have a local mailing list please join it to take part in discussions and hear about upcoming meetings.

If you are interested in talking about an iPhone or Mac OS X development topic, or showing your iPhone or Mac OS X project please contact Dave Koziol.

We're always looking for volunteers to talk at future meetings, so please consider volunteering.


Welcome to the Ann Arbor, MI CocoaHeads Chapter! Our group includes a number of long time developers as well as developers new to the environment. We welcome all skill levels, and we discuss both Mac and iPhone topics.

Please come help build the Cocoa community in Ann Arbor!

Our most up to date information is always available on our page.

We have a local mailing list please join it to take part in discussions and hear about upcoming meetings.

NOTE: The mailing lists below are the national mailing lists.



Subscribe to the iCal Calendar!


Dave Koziol