Tuesday, June 16, 2020 19:00 at Orchard Valley Coffee - 349 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA 95008

CocoaHeads is merged with NSCoders The meeting is every Tuesday, 7PM to 9PM: Orchard Valley Coffee 349 E Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 but in these COVID-19 days it's a virtual meeting. See for details. It'a public coffee house, so it's polite to buy something, but not required. Look for the table with the NSCoder sign, As always, If you'd like to speak to the group, or have questions you'd like us to discuss at the meeting, feel free to post them here. If you have any questions, suggestions, anything, let me know.


We also have a discussion group at Here! Speaker Sign-up: Here! Please feel free to join in the planning of the meetings. Why Should I Attend?
Meeting other Mac and iOS developers in person is both fun and immensely useful. There's no better way to learn or get help with problems than being around other people who are writing Mac and iOS software.

The meetings are free form. Feel free to let us know what you wish to see or present. We love seeing your apps and walk-thru.

Everyone is Welcome
Meetings are free and open to the public. Feel free to drop in even if you've never attended or aren't currently using Cocoa. We usually have a few new faces, so don't worry about being the odd one out.

If you have any questions, please email davidphilliposter(at)gmail(dot)com



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David Phillip Oster